First Amendment Obama Scandals

Jeff Siegel

Posted May 24, 2013

“Never let a serious crisis go to waste.”Freedom Watch

Those words were originally spoken by the former White House Chief of Staff, Rahm Emanuel. And while Emanuel has since gone on to become mayor of Chicago, his words clearly did not fall on deaf ears while slumming at the White House and reciting mobster-style prose for mainstream media hacks…

Over the past couple of weeks, the nation has been inundated with a number of different scandals that have unfolded on President Obama’s watch.

But following the brutality of the EF5 tornado in Oklahoma, left-leaning media whores were quick to use this “serious crisis” as a way to divert attention away from a number of scandals that should have every single American citizen up in arms.

Scandal? What Scandal?

In a piece entitled, “First Thoughts: Putting things into Perspective,” Obama media yes-men (and women) crafted a blog where they wrote the following:

The massive and powerful tornado that ripped through Moore, OK, on Monday afternoon puts so much of Washington’s focus over the past two weeks — on the IRS, Benghazi, and the leak investigations — into perspective…

Yes, there are still legitimate questions to ask regarding the three controversies facing the Obama administration. And, yes, those stories aren’t going away. But right now, they take pause.

Are you kidding me?! Mother Nature sent us a package from Oklahoma to remind us who’s boss — and it ain’t Obama.

Take a pause from such scandals? No thanks.

Rand Paul Got It Right on This One

So the three main scandals right now are Benghazi, the IRS, and the secret raid on phone records of Associated Press reporters, which was conducted by the Department of Justice.

I think it’s the latter scandal that’s really taken us off the deep end here. Because the truth is the recently uncovered actions by the IRS are not particularly “news.”

If you honestly believe that the IRS has not unfairly targeted other individuals and organizations of different political parties and philosophies, you’re kidding yourself. That doesn’t excuse it, but it is a reality that needs to be recognized as we continue to press for real tax reform.

I also find it incredibly frustrating that so many so-called “conservative news shows” have focused so much on the recent IRS scandal — but haven’t even attempted to cover the highly unethical and borderline illegal interrogation of Apple CEO Tim Cook.

Earlier this week, Congress marched Cook to the front of its firing squad to figure out how the tech giant has been able to avoid paying billions of dollars in taxes.

Where do these guys get off? If they really gave a rat’s ass about tax fairness, they’d focus less on the dog and pony show and more on fixing a very broken and corrupt system of taxation.

Kudos, by the way, to Senator Rand Paul, who had the stones to speak up against this exercise in tyranny. Here’s what he had to say:

I’m offended by a $4 trillion government bullying, berating and badgering one America’s greatest success stories. Tell me what Apple has done that is illegal? If anyone should be on trial here, it should be Congress. I frankly think the committee should apologize to Apple. I think that the Congress should be on trial here for creating a bizarre and Byzantine tax code that runs into the tens of thousands of pages, for creating a tax code that simply doesn’t compete with the rest of the world.


As far as Benghazi is concerned, let’s face it: This is little more than a Republican’s wet dream wrapped in a hypocritical wonton that keeps us from asking the real question, Would any of this ever have happened had we just not been there in the first place?

But this deal with the Department of Justice running some kind of covert spying mission on the media?

Wow! It’s as if the government has actually succeeded in infecting the First Amendment like a parasite with a solid goose step. 

Soviet-Era Style Bullying

Last week, the Associated Press announced the Department of Justice had acquired phone records of reporters and editors without informing anyone.

In an effort to identify the source of a story on the CIA, Justice Department officials basically hijacked personal and professional data while sending a very clear message that if you blab to the media, you will be on their radar.

This is Soviet-era-style bullying, my friends. Make no mistake about it.

Associate Press CEO Gary Pruitt sounded off about this blatant violation, saying the government’s seizure of those phone records was unconstitutional and was already harming the press’ ability to do its job. He went on to say:

We don’t question their right to conduct these sort of investigations. We just think they went about it the wrong way. So sweeping, so secretly, so abusively and harassingly and over-broad that it constitutes, that it is, an unconstitutional act. We are already seeing some impact. Already officials that would normally talk to us and people we talk to in the normal course of news-gathering are already saying to us that they are a little reluctant to talk to us. They fear that they will be monitored by the government. We are already seeing that. It’s not hypothetical.

Here’s the bottom line: If the government has a stranglehold on those who gather news, it has the ability to control the flow of information.

And that, dear reader, is not a value of democracy — it’s a tool of tyranny.

Live honorably, live free…

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